So, I've left Facebook, Instagram, and What's-app too.
This is a bit drastic, but i have opened my eyes to "Big Brother" - he has a name and It's Meta. A leopard cant change its spots and neither will Meta/Facebook I don't think. I'm not sure about you, but I value my privacy (this is being done on a dummy account!!) .
I've become paranoid about being followed or watched on the net. It used to be a safe place - I've been on it for a VERY long time. It used to be a pleasant place to be, and its really not now.
I was never all over Facebook anyway, so this doesn't really bother me - i wont miss it. However I will miss Instagram, I have made a true friend on there, and I have emailed him so that we don't lose contact. However, I have lost a few people I wanted to keep up with but as someone said to me, Its a small price to pay for getting your life back (not that I posted much on there, Instagram is another story lol)
Sometimes you have to take a stand - even if you do it alone. I know loads of people who are also leaving Facebook this week. Hopefully even more will go, so the message will get across. This will give people back their privacy as well as in some cases it will give them an element of freedom.
Looking up from a screen means that life is happening, and you wont miss it. I'm lucky, I don't stare into my phone, but I did used to, and I certainly did during a recent hospital stay - there was no TV and i was an emergency and my phone was the only thing I had with me apart from the clothes on my back. So, in this instance my phone was my lifeline and i do acknowledge that, and I was really grateful for it.
Have you left Facebook? what do you think of privacy these days?

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